Wednesday, February 16, 2011

In Due Time

Kasey requires slightly more patience than my other 3 children. She definitely lives in a world that runs at a different pace. Before kindergarten I worked and worked with the other kids to learn to tie their shoes, when Kasey was going into kindergarten I bought her shoes that didn't have laces. Does she know how to tie shoes now, Yes, but it was when she decided she wanted to learn. When she learns something new, I know that it's because she totally wants to do it, not because I made her, because making her do anything is difficult. There has been a few attempts in the past to slay the 2 wheeled beast, flustered she would say she didn't want to and would go on her way..... until yesterday. Yesterday was a warm day, and when we got home from school she said, "I want to ride my bike today." I got her bike out and wiped the cobwebs off of it. She climbed on and I helped her balance down the sidewalk a few times. She got nervous with me trying to help so I ended up inside while Kynzie watched her outside. In about a half hour Kynzie came in and told me Kasey needed me. When I got out there, she was riding around the drive way, with only assistance to get started. I praised her and went back inside. Pretty soon Kynzie came back in and told me Kasey was starting all by herself. I went back out and sure enough she was. I couldn't help but get a little teary, she did it, and she did it almost all by herself. She was determined and figured it out all alone. I can't make her be who she isn't, and I'm so glad.


Mama Echo said...

Way to go Kasey!!

Pen-nut said...

Good for her!!!! You are a great Mom to step back and allow her to be herself.

Sandmangirl said...

That's awesome, what a personality she's got, I like it. She's just gotta be her own person. I like this post a lot.