Wednesday, August 12, 2009

School is for fools...look at me!

I'm going to school, I'm going to school. Kasey's first day of school is today. I dropped off the other 2 and it was her turn. She was so excited.... she got herself dressed and ready to go without and prodding from me at all.
I Love School!
Miss Kynzie was so ready for school. She layed all her things out last night and got herself so worked up she had a stomach ache. She woke up a half hour early and was headed out the door before it was even time to go!

I took Kasey in talked briefly to her teacher, showed her where the bathroom was, kissed her goodbye, and she was off like a flash. When I walked out I could see her on the playground grinning ear to ear.
Top Dog!
Ty's 8th grade year has already started off great with football going on for the last 2 months. He wasn't all that excited about school but is very excited about football!

Wyatt left early for zero hour. He got a ride with some friends... He didn't seem to have a lot of patience for the first day of school picture!
So here I am, and you'd be proud, I didn't shed one tear. Feel a little sad. But after seeing Kaseys grinning face, I think she'll be just fine. So I have a huge unusual amount of energy this morning, but I really need to focus on one thing at a time, and am having a hard time doing that. It's one of those "what was I just doing again?" kind of days. So off I go!


Mama Echo said...

Very cool!!

Amie said...

Great job! You can do it! =)