Wednesday, February 13, 2013

I thought after four childhoods....

I would of been exposed to every icky illness and rash out there.  I thought wrong!  Kasey has impetigo.  At first I thought she had a cold sore.  But when after several days it had spread and more had appeared I decided it was time to head to the Doctor.  Funny thing is when I called the school to ask if she needs to stay home, they didn't know!  So I'm not sure whether to send her tomorrow or not.  I hate for her to miss Valentines party, but I don't want to be THAT MOM, the one that sends her kid to school and causes a class room outbreak of Impetigo!  What are your thoughts?


Amie said...

Impetigo IS

purplelurple said...

My Youngest had it and it is very contagious. So yea I wouldn't send her.