Friday, May 6, 2011

Motherhood- Or nothing about Parenthood is Planned

I was filling out my medical history for a doctors appointment (the yearly hoooraaay.... not!) I have in a couple of weeks. It was a very detailed history and I'm not sure how some of the questions even relate to the kind of visit I'm going in for, but I have to say I was a little entertained by some of it, and a little embarrassed by most of it. So as I'm answering question after question... I kid you not one of the questions said Adopted- yes or no, and then directly under that it said Accident- yes or no. Now maybe you all can figure out a different meaning to that but in reference to it asking me whether I was adopted I can only assume it meant whether I was a planned or accidental baby.??? Not only am I now curious how this affects my reproductive health, but what in the world does it have to do with anything? I'm the baby of my family, so I'm pretty sure that by the time my parents got to making me they knew dang well where babies were made. But even if they didn't and I was not a planned baby, I was loved, cared for, and pretty much spoiled rotten my whole life. Then onto my next thought: whether your child is planned or not... is any of it really planned, I mean seriously think about it. Did you really sit down and plan it all out, and if you were crazy enough to think of every blasted detail the good the bad and the plain ugly... don't all children have a way of changing every plan you ever made! Nothing and no amount of planning prepares you for what parenthood means. It doesn't prepare you for sleepless nights of worrying, or how you would feel when your child takes the road less traveled by. If I was the "said" planned child did it prepare my parents for the fact that I was a total pain in the ASS when I was a teenager? And further more just when you think you've got this parenting thing all figured out, life throws you a curve ball and you have to readjust to a life you never thought of. And is it all worth it... the pain, the worry, the heartache? OF COURSE... it's worth it every minute, of every day. I honestly can say I've never regretted having my children. For years I've thought, due to societies pressure to have more, to know more, to be successful, maybe I should make plans to be something. But in all reality I am exactly what I've always planned on being , a Mother.


Amie said...

Awesome post!! (You shoulda asked the staff about that question...would have been interesting to hear their response)

leaner said...

LOL I agree with Amie, should have asked them. :)

I love this post, too.

purplelurple said...

Thank you, I really needed this post today! Hooray for all us moms!

Pen-nut said...

And an amazing mother you are. Thanks for reminding me that we are doing the thing that is the most important.