Monday, April 19, 2010

What a Beautiful Weekend!

I forgot to post that Thursday was Wyatts sixteenth birthday. I don't have any pictures of his birthday downloaded yet. He had a good birthday I think. While we were out and about his "friend that's a girl" snuck in and left a cake on the table for him. He also took the opportunity of being 16 and donated blood on his birthday. I thought that was pretty darn cool. I hate excuses but I have been crazy wicked busy with baseball lately it has consumed my life. It hopefully will start to slow down now that the organization is mostly done, but it has been a month of stuff just keeping me going going going, I was beginning to wonder why I was even doing any of it, because it was causing such a distraction in my life, but then last Tuesdayish (can't really remember the exact day) I had to ride over to some fields with Kenneth to deliver a paper to a coach, and I saw all these kids out there trowing the ball and smiling, and running and playing, and it actually brought a couple tears to my eyes, knowing I was part of this great tradition. It may seem silly to some but it meant something to me. Anyhoo so last week Kynzie and Kasey started practice. I'm helping coach Kynzies team this year. I'm not the most knowledgeable about softball, but it's a heck of a lot of fun being out there helping. Some of the girls have never even played before and it's so fun to help them learn. Then there is Kasey who is one of 2 girls on her T-ball team and she growls when she gets up to bat, and T-ball is just plain chaotic, it's hilarious.
I went on a Trek Fun Run on Saturday morning. It was 4 miles. I admit I didn't run the 4 miles, I ran about half. I definitely haven't been drinking enough water, and it wore me out pretty quick. But it was enjoyable to get out and do something with such a wonderful group. Ty came in fifth, the only ones in front of him were high school boys. Wyatt went in his PJs and walked most the way, but I was just happy he went along. Then I came home and move some slate rocks around to fill in some holes... and Kenneth fixed the watering system so we can start watering our yard.
A productive and busy week... and now onto the next one!

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