Monday, February 1, 2010

One Truck Load at a time!

I am so super dooperity excited. It is moving week. After months of patiently waiting, knowing that when the current tenants moved out we would get to move in, it's finally time. I don't love moving but this move is so WONDERFUL. If the house we live in right now was a shoe box... the new house would be a size 20 Boot box! If the house we live in right now was a happy meal... the new house would be a Super sized Big Mac. If the house we live in right now was Hawaii the new house would be Alaska..... If the new house... well you get the point... It's bigger, it's better, it's got a yard, and best of all we will be paying the same amount rent. Plus it's really close in proximity to our house now, so we can move it at our leisure. Which is so much better than my last move, and I don't have to leave anything behind, or sell anything, or give away anything. Nothing but Good!


Mama Echo said...


Amie said...

Yayeee yayyeee for you!! Wish I could offer to help ya move!

I guess I could still Saturday good for you? ;)

leaner said...

Great. I can't wait to see some pictures.