Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Blucky Snow

When I woke up and saw the snow I felt like throwing up... seriously it hit me with a wave of anxiety. Luckily the kids had a delayed day, so I had time to pull myself together before I hit the road with all the crazy people here who don't have 4 wheel drive and slip and slide all over the road. I'll give this place this much, they may not get the amount of snow we got in Montana but due to the ever changing temperature the roads get very slick. So in that aspect it's a little worse because you have yucky roads and people that really don't know how to drive on them. I have a hard time looking at the beauty of the snow, all I see is the dangers of it, I think it's left over anxiety from worrying about moving in bad weather for weeks. It's an anxiety hangover! Now I have the pleasure of going and getting groceries, but I'm counting on the fact that by 1:00 the roads will be clearer and it won't be as big of a deal.... that or I can just stay home for the rest of my life... become a shut in to avoid the dangers of the world... did I mention I really don't like snow, even in small doses. Alas, Kasey really wants to go out side and play in it, and I told her we could, so I will safely on foot venture out just for her.


Pen-nut said...

Yuck - sorry you had to have snow today. Of course my kids were excited for ours, but it's almost all melted away already. Hang in there!!

Amie said...

you could move down to the valley...

Anonymous said...

Don't become a shut-in, because then I would have to start counting your cats, and cats, and cats..... Miss you!!


Michelle said...

We had snow everyday the past three days, and I saw the most amazing thing pass my house at 6 AM-- a snowplow!

Seriously, after nine years in Montana, I wouldn't think snow would bother you this much. Other people don't know how to drive in it, but you do, and you have four wheel drive. Just kindly pass the idiots on the road, smile and wave. Hope you still have MT plates on your car!

Michelle said...

Just wanted to respond to your comment on my blog. I know exactly how you feel. I was so proud of you for all your positive posts in November when your lives were so uncertain, but this moving, leaving your home and starting over is harder than the uncertainty somehow. I totally understand your need to negative-vent. If you don't want to blog it, there's always email. I'm still with you, sister!