Wednesday, February 11, 2009

In the sun it melted melted melted...

You know there is a plus to snow in AZ, it melts off very very quickly, as if it were never there. I can't brag about the things I've done today, because mostly I just read my blog from way back, and tried to recall a different time when I wasn't so crabby. It was good, you see I read all the way back to last year and complaining about daycare... and beyond that complaining about being overwhelmed by PTA and other crap, and now I simply don't have that kind of stuff to complain about, so I complain that I have nothing to do. I've taken 5218 steps so far today that is the equivalent of 2.47 miles... just by doing housework and dancing around like a goofy fool this morning. I think that is way cool, it will even be cooler when its warm and I go for real walk, imagine how many steps I'll take then. Oh the little delights in the world. I also ate a delicious lunch of buttered brussel sprouts. My husband will not even let me cook them if he is home, so I bought some and cooked them for myself for lunch, with a bowl of pineapple coconut ice cream for desert, how delightful. Tonight I will go to my first Young Women's activity for my new church calling as YW secretary. We'll see how that goes over, I'm not sure why I'm in this particular type calling again, I feel like I'm the last person to set a good example to impressionable young women, but what harm can I do as secretary right??? And it gets me out of the house, and maybe I'll talk to someone that I'm not related to for a couple hours, can't be all bad.


Anonymous said...

YW secretary!! That sounds like fun.


Amie said...

you're gonna do great in that calling!! Plus, way to go on the steps! wow!