Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Thankful for a good laugh!

Yesterday on my way to drop Kasey off at school we had a great conversation it went something like this....

K: Mom, mom, mom, mom, moooommmmmmmyyyyy!

M: What?

K: When the Dr. cut me out of your belly....

M: The Dr. didn't cut you out of my belly.

K: But when the Dr. cut me out of your belly, he had to glue it back on.

M: But the Dr. didn't cut you out of my belly.

K: Then how did I get out.

M: Well, there's a special hole for babies to come out.

K: Where is it?

M: Near your bottom.

K: Like, like, like Giraffes poop their babies out.

M: They don't poop their babies out.

K: That is so gross!

M: (laughing to myself)

K: Which baby did dad have?

M: Dads don't have babies, only mommies.

K: Oh.... well when I'm older like 44 I will have a baby, but I don't want that cutting part.

M: Most mommies don't have to have the cutting part.

(we pull into the school parking lot)

M: Kasey this is talk for at home with me, not to talk about at school.

K: I won't say a word!


Amie said...

Kids are so funny! Great conversation. Just yesterday Cameron (7) asked me how mommies get pregnant. He totally knows, but I guess he's forgotten. I told him to ask his dad.

Mama Echo said...

Oh boy!! How I miss Kasey!!

prashant said...

He totally knows, but I guess he's forgotten.
Work From Home