Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I have nothing clever or witty to say today however I would like to share a thought. I have noticed the old men... and by old I mean could easily be my grandpa... in this town have started to take a liking to me... and beings that I'm down to a grandan (who is my grandpa inlaw) I've decided this is a cool thing. The other day at the post office an elderly gentlemen was poking along with his cane... I did what every other regular person would do and I rushed to open the door for him to which he said "I feel so lucky to have such a beautiful gal open the door for me!" To which I blushed and said "anytime." and then...
Every day I drive my kids to school, and on my way back down the hill to my house I pass an older man walking. I have waved and smiled at this man at least 3 times prior to today, to which he looks at my quizzically and looks back to the ground. But today, when I passed him and smiled and waved... what did I get, not only a grin but a small wave. Such a simple thing but made my day!


Amie said...

I bet you make his morning. =)

Mama Echo said...

Sometimes a surrogate grandpa is all that's needed.

Pen-nut said...

Isn't it amazing how we are blessed to have people placed in our lives to bless us, or for us to bless. Life is good.